Clinical Research Orientation

The Office for Clinical Research (OCR) provides a mandatory in-person orientation for all clinical research staff, separate from Emory University New Employee Welcome Session.

Clinical Research Orientation (CRO): is required to provide new hires, rehires, and those promoted in a new role, conducting or coordinating an NIH-defined clinical trial with information and resources about their job role, including the research offices involved. New clinical research staff can visit Emory Transportation for parking hangtags, Emory Administration for EmoryCard/ID Badge, and Emory Employee Health for health checkoffs.

Emory Healthcare (EHC) Credentialing will be fast-tracked for staff who meet specific criteria and have completed all required documentation per the checklist before orientation.

Who Should Attend?

All new hires, rehires, and those promoted in a new clinical research role (excluding investigators) at Emory University and Emory Healthcare conducting or coordinating an NIH-defined clinical trial.

Orientation Information

  • Course Format: In-person at 1599 Clifton Road Bldg., Atlanta, GA 30322.
  • Course Length: 4 hours.
  • Course Dates: Every 1st Monday of each month (except holidays).
  • Course Cost: $0.00.
  • Course Registration:
    1. Log in to Brainier via the Self-Service Portal, and click on the "Learning Management" Tile and then the "Learning Management-Brainier" Tile.
    2. Enter your Emory University Network ID and password.
    3. Click in the search bar at the top of the page.
    4. Enter the course name “Clinical Research Orientation.”
    5. Click “Register" for the course start date you want to attend.
    6. Click “Register" in the pop-up window to confirm enrollment.
  • Related Courses: Clinical Research Training per Training Tracks assigned at Orientation.
  • Pre-work Required? Yes.
  • Continuing Education Credits: No.
  • Renewal? No, unless you receive a promotion or a rehire.

Additional Resources

Orientation Registration & Course Dates

Registration and Course Dates 
Orientation DateRegistration OpensRegistration Deadline 