
The Office for Clinical Research (OCR) offers several training programs for clinical research staff.  In addition to the IRB required training, OCR's training is for investigators (PI, Co-I, Sub-Is), research nurses, clinical research coordinators, and key personnel conducting or coordinating NIH-definition of a clinical trial at Emory. For more information, reference the Training Policy.


Click on the course name to review content information.

AHA Basic Life Support (BLS or CPR) is a course offered by the Office for Clinical Research (OCR) to teach Emory University Clinical Research Staff the skills of CPR for victims of all ages, including using an automated external defibrillator and the relief of choking. The course is video-based, with instructor-led discussions and simulations. Students participate in, practice, and complete various skills and learning stations. An 80% or higher passing score on the examination is required to receive a CPR card.

Who Should Attend?

Emory University clinical research staff who need CPR training for Emory Healthcare Credentialing. If you are unaware you require Emory Healthcare credentialing, please contact the Office of Research Credentialing at 404-712-0510 or Per your Emory University job title, please review the Clinical Research Role Matrix to understand your roles and responsibilities.

Course Information:

  • Course Format: In-person at 1599 Clifton Road Bldg., Atlanta, GA 30322.
  • Course Length: 4 hours.
  • Course Dates: Review the table below for New and Renewal course dates.
  • Course Cost: The course and e-cards are free to clinical research staff who need them for EHC Credentialing purposes.
  • Course Registration:
    1. Log in to Brainier via the Self-Service Portal, and click on the "Learning Management" Tile and then the "Learning Management-Brainier" Tile.
    2. Enter your Emory University Network ID and password.
    3. Click in the search bar at the top of the page.
    4. Enter the course name “AHA BLS CPR Training.
    5. Click “Register" for the course start date you want to attend.
    6. Click “Register" in the pop-up window to confirm enrollment.
    7. An OCR Education and QI team member will email you information regarding course preparation closer to the course date.
  • eCards: Electronic cards are issued within 24-48 hours after course completion.
  • Pre-work Required? Yes. 1) Complete the RedCap eCREST profile and credentialing application. 2) Read the BLS for Healthcare Providers Manual if this is your first time completing a CPR course. The manual eBook is available for purchase at the following link: Student Materials.
  • Course Resources: AHA video of adult, child, and infant CPR and choking provided in class.
  • Examination: Yes. Must score an 80% or higher.
  • Continuing Education Credits: No.
  • Renewal? Yes, every 2 years.

Other CPR Training Options:

  1. Emory Healthcare Employees: This option is for AHA BLS CPR with Emory Healthcare employees only, and Emory Healthcare RQI Simulation training is required.  Contact Elizabeth Botheroyd at if you have any questions.
  2. AHA CPR Training per a Site Coordinator: This option allows learners to complete all requirements for CPR training with our AHA Site Coordinator, Derek Johnston. He offers training at various locations, including the Emory University campus.  For more information, view his web page at
  3. RC Health Services: This option allows you to complete the training online and skills assessment at your convenience in North or South Atlanta. View and register for the course with RC Health Services. Click on “BLS” at the appropriate location.

Course Dates:

Dates are available until March 2025, as the process may change after the first quarter.

Registration and Course Dates 
Course DateType of CourseRegistration Deadline 
1/10/2025NewTraining date discussed at Orientation. 
1/17/2025RenewalEnroll 60 days before expiration. 
1/24/2025NewTraining date discussed at Orientation. 
1/29/2025RenewalEnroll 60 days before expiration. 
2/5/2025NewTraining date discussed at Orientation. 
2/12/2025RenewalEnroll 60 days before expiration. 
2/21/2025NewTraining date discussed at Orientation. 
2/26/2025RenewalEnroll 60 days before expiration. 
3/5/2024NewTraining date discussed at Orientation. 
3/12/2025RenewalEnroll 60 days before expiration. 
3/21/2025NewTraining date discussed at Orientation. 
3/26/2025RenewalEnroll 60 days before expiration. 

If you have any questions, please contact OCR at or 404-778-4960.

Clinical Research Orientation (CRO): is required for all new hires/rehires/promotions conducting or coordinating clinical research studies (i.e., observational, qualitative, socio-behavioral, and clinical trials) at Emory University. New clinical research staff can visit Emory Transportation for parking hangtags, Emory Administration for EmoryCard/ID Badge, and Emory Employee Health for health checkoffs. View the Clinical Research Training Requirements for Emory and Emory Affiliates.

Also, Emory Healthcare (EHC) research credentialing is required for Emory University clinical research staff who have direct contact with subjects in an EHC facility and/or will need access to patient medical records in Epic for EHC subjects, including remote staff who need access to patient’s medical records. Direct contact is defined as transporting patients, collecting specimens, obtaining vital signs, obtaining measurements, performing ECGs, phlebotomy, etc.). For information, contact the EHC Research Credentialing Office at or 404.712.0510.

  • Open office hours for research staff every Friday from 11 am -12 pm EST via Zoom
    Meeting ID: 894 1604 2387
    Passcode: 372536
    One tap mobile
    +14703812552, 89416042387# US (Atlanta)
    +14702509358, 89416042387# US (Atlanta)
  • For questions, contact the EHC Research Credentialing Office at
     or 404.712.0510.

Who Should Attend?

All new hires, rehires, and those promoted in a new clinical research role (excluding investigators) at Emory University and Emory Healthcare conducting or coordinating clinical research studies (i.e., observational, qualitative, socio-behavioral, and clinical trials).

Orientation Information

  • Course Format: In-person at 1599 Clifton Road Bldg., Atlanta, GA 30322.
  • Course Length: 4 - 6 hours.
  • Course Dates: Every 1st Monday of each month (except holidays).
  • Course Registration:
    1. Log in to Brainier via the Self-Service Portal, click on the "Learning Management" Tile, and then click the "Learning Management-Brainier" Tile.
    2. Enter your Emory University Network ID and password.
    3. Click in the search bar at the top of the page.
    4. Enter the course name “Clinical Research Orientation.”
    5. Click “Register" for the course start date you want to attend.
    6. Click “Register" in the pop-up window to confirm enrollment.
  • Pre-work Required? Yes.
    1. View the course Executive Summary, V11.
    2. Complete the eCREST (Emory Collaborative Research Training profile and upload the required documents.
    3. Review Emory Clinical Research Onboarding Checklist.
  • Continuing Education Credits: No.
  • Renewal? No, unless you receive a promotion or a rehire.

Additional Resources

Acronym Definition List

Clinical Research Process Roadmap (Steps 1-10)

Onboarding Checklist

Orientation and Training Schedule

Orientation is in-person for 4-6 hours on the following dates below. Baseline through Month 12 will be scheduled at CRO. If you are a student or have a learning disability, please contact 

Note: Registration deadline for Orientation is one week before the scheduled date.

Course Name           (Day of the Week)CRO                        (Monday)Baseline                  (Tuesday)1-Month               (Thursday)Month 2                         (Monday after CRO)3-month             (Tuesday)6-month              (3rd Monday)12-month          (3rd Thursday)
2025 January1/6/20251/7/20252/13/20253/10/20254/15/20257/21/20251/22/2026
2026 January1/5/20261/6/20262/12/20263/9/20264/14/20267/20/20261/21/2027

Clinical Research Training for Clinical Research Staff (formerly Virtual Training & Credentialing Course/2-Day Classroom: Introduction to Clinical Research) is clinical research baseline training that is required for all new hires/rehires/promotions conducting or coordinating clinical research studies (i.e., observational, qualitative, socio-behavioral, and clinical trials) at Emory University. Training will also include Months 1, 3, 6, and 12 training sessions or annual reviews for monitored continuous learning for existing staff. New Investigators who are magnet-designated®, Clinical Research Nurses, Clinical Research Coordinators, or Other Key Personnel are assigned their learning curriculum at the Clinical Research Orientation. CME/CEU/Nursing credits are issued for several courses and organizations. View the Clinical Research Training Requirements and the Executive Summary, V11.

Who Should Attend?

All new hires, rehires, and those promoted in a new clinical research role (excluding investigators) at Emory University and Emory Healthcare conducting or coordinating clinical research studies (i.e., observational, qualitative, socio-behavioral, and clinical trials).

Course Information

Clinical Research Training at Emory is specialized based on three criteria: # of years in clinical research, research type, and patient contact. Managers will work with you on your onboarding schedule to allow you time to complete training as a new hire, rehire, or someone promoted to a new clinical research role.

Baseline site training is in-person for 8 hours to ensure you are knowledgeable and skilled enough to be on an Emory IRB-approved application based on your role at an Emory site that includes:

  1. Clinical Research Types
  2. Emory Clinical Research Workflow Process, both Pre & Post Award
    • Funding Types: Federal, Industry, Internal, or Unfunded
  3. Protocol review
  4. Research Misconduct
  5. IRB and Ethical Considerations
    • Informed Consent review
  6. Recruitment Strategies
  7. Data Management
  8. Resources- OCR Website (Guidelines/Policies/Forms/Training/Links/Reports)
  9. Additional eLearning modules: Ancillary Departments, IRB, Medical Devices (optional), ClinicalTrials.Gov, Compliance, Study Maintenance, and Site Monitoring Visits

After baseline site training, new hires/rehires/promotions will be monitored for a year of continuous learning and improvement to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) of benefits and risks. The time points are Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 6, and Month 12 based on your role.  Existing staff will be monitored annually.

Course Dates

All new hires, rehires, and those promoted in a new clinical research role must complete Clinical Research Orientation first.

Baseline Site Training is in-person for 8 hours on the following dates. If you are a student or have a learning disability, please contact 

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative(CITI) Biomedical Focus is a course offered by the University of Miami in collaboration with Emory University Institutional Review Board (IRB). The course is web-based and required before submitting research protocols for review and approval for all Key Personnel listed on the Emory IRB submission, regardless of their position. For those completing human subjects research, you must meet the CITI Biomedical Focus Group (either Stage 1 - Basic or Stage 3 - Refresher).

  • Renewal: Yes, every 3 years.
  • CME/CEU offered? Yes. CITI provides the number of credits on the Main menu page.
  • Course Frequency: 24/7 Distance Learning Online.
  • Course Registration: Please review Emory University's CITI Training page for course details and registration information.

If you have any questions, please contact Emory's IRB at or 404-712-0720.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) CRC Course is offered by the University of Miami in collaboration with the Office for Clinical Research (OCR). In addition to the CITI Biomedical Focus course, this online course is required for those coordinating clinical research studies that meet theNIH definition of a clinical trial(which includes FDA-regulated studies) at Emory and must be completed before submitting research protocols for review and approval for all Key Personnel listed on the Emory IRB submission, regardless of their position.

  • Renewal: Yes, every 3 years.
  • CME/CEU offered? Yes. CITI provides the number of credits on the Main menu page.
  • Course Frequency: 24/7 Distance Learning Online.
  • Course Registration: Please review Emory University's CITI Training page for course details and registration information.

If you have any questions, please contact Emory's IRB at or 404-712-0720.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative(CITI) Good Clinical Practice & ICH is a course offered by the University of Miami in collaboration with Emory University Institutional Review Board (IRB). It meets the NIH Training policy, especially for those working on clinical trials. The course is web-based and required before submitting research protocols for review and approval for all Key Personnel listed on the Emory IRB submission, regardless of their position.

  • Renewal: Yes, every 3 years.
  • CME/CEU offered? Yes. CITI provides the number of credits on the Main menu page.
  • Course Frequency: 24/7 Distance Learning Online.
  • Course Registration: Please review Emory University's CITI Training page for course details and registration information.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Emory's IRB at or 404-712-0720.

The Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) offers Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) training to cover various components that involve protected health information (PHI) and electronic PHI in Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). OEC provides consultation and training with HIPAA and serves as a point of contact for the Emory research community.  For more information about OC visit their web page at

Note: Clinical Research Coordinators and Investigators must complete the CITI Health Privacy and Security Information.

  • Renewal: Yes, as needed.
  • CME/CEU offered?  Yes.  The number of credits is provided by CITI on the Main menu page.
  • Course Frequency: 24/7 Distance Learning Online. 
  • Course Details and Registration: Review OEC's Training page for a list of available training.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact OC regarding their services via their Contacts page.

Conflict of Interest training is a course offered by the Office of Conflict of Interest (COI) for faculty and staff to certify that they have received information about Emory's policies and the federal regulations on Objectivity in Research. Federal regulations require that Institutions receiving funding from the US Public Health Service provide training to their Investigators about the federal regulations, the Institution’s policy, and Investigators’ responsibilities under the policy and regulations. The training is required to be documented and provided using the electronic Conflict of Interest eDisclose system.

eCOI is a University and Healthcare system-wide tool that helps to implement Emory's policies and procedures regarding financial interests and external activities. Emory University and Emory Healthcare use this application and reporting process only.

  • Renewal: Yes, every 4 years.
  • CME/CEU offered? No.
  • Course Frequency: 24/7 Distance Learning Online.
  • Course Login: Visit eDisclose.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact COI at or 404-712-0046.

Emory Proposal Express (EPEX) training assists clinical research staff with budget development, electronic routing, and institution approval related to extramural funding at Emory. EPEX replaces the SPAF (Sponsored Programs Approval Form) and accompanies any Grant or Contract requiring Institutional endorsement. The course is an instructor-led demonstration and simulation. Students participate in, practice, and complete modules within EPEX. For more information about EPEX, visit the EPEX web page.

  • Renewal: No, but highly recommended as new modules are added.
  • CME/CEU offered? No.
  • Course Frequency: 24/7 Distance Learning Online and Classroom course offered bi-monthly.
  • Course Pre-work: Must have an Emory University Network ID and password before attending class. Also, review the EPEX Guides & Resources page.
  • Course Registration:
    1. View the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) webpage at for EPEX training and guidance.

If you have any questions, please contact OSP at or 404-727-2503.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHSO) training guides the use, storage, and disposal of the materials used in research, clinical, academic, and operational activities: biological toxins, infectious agents, recombinant DNA agents, and chemical and radioactive materials. For more information, visit EHSO.

  • Renewal: Yes, as needed.
  • CME/CEU offered? No.
  • Course Frequency: 24/7 Distance Learning On-line and Classroom course offered bimonthly.
  • Course Types: Review EHSO's Courses and Codes page for a list of available training and registration details

If you have any questions, please contact EHSO regarding their services via their Contacts page.

Emory Healthcare Medical Records—Epic System replaced Cerner Millenium on October 1, 2022. Training has been completed for all Epic Superusers. To learn more about Epic, visit the Epic SharePoint site. You must score 80% or higher on the examination to gain access.

Who Should Attend?

Clinical Research staff who need it for patient charting, billing, or documenting.

Course Information

  • Course Format: Zoom.
  • Course Length: Varies based on your role.
  • Course Dates: Varies based on your role.
  • Course Cost: There is no cost to take this course for clinical research staff.
  • Course Registration: 
    1. Visit Epic Sharepoint site > Training.
    2. Become an Epic Superuser for your department if there is not one listed.
    3. View a list of current Epic Super Users by the department.
    4. Pre-work Required? Yes. An Emory Healthcare Net ID is required to access Epic. To obtain an Emory Healthcare Net ID (i.e., N#), contact 404-778-4357 or 8-HELP. 
  • Examination: Yes. Must score an 80% or higher.

Additional Resources

If you have any questions, please contact 404-778-4357 or 8-HELP. 

OnCore Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) training at Emory University is provided by department superusers starting December 2024. Department superusers will instruct their staff on navigating OnCore consoles for protocol, subject, and financial management.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone involved with clinical research protocol, participant, or financial management responsibilities for eligible Emory studies will utilize OnCore.

Training Information

Starting in December 2024, Department OnCore Superusers will complete OnCore CTMS training and instruct their staff on navigating OnCore consoles for protocol, subject, and financial management for 2.0 and moving forward. Each OnCore Superuser has signed an attestation to adhere to training and support by verifying training, acknowledging responsibilities, committing to data integrity, and maintaining compliance. View a list of Department OnCore Superusers, version 12-04-24.

Note: OnCore has four types of users: a SuperUser, an Existing User, a New User, and an Investigator User.

  • SuperUser = Lead/manager who OCR and Advarra have trained to train their colleagues.
  • Existing User = Staff who OCR or a Superuser has trained.
  • New User = Staff who has not been trained on OnCore and must be taught by their Department OnCore SuperUser.
  • Investigator User = An Investigator who will be using or reviewing OnCore.

View the OnCore resource's page for additonal information, tips sheets, and steps pertaining to training. 

The Georgia CTSA Clinical Research Centers (GCRCs) and Emory Medical Laboratory offer Phlebotomy 101, a two-day introductory classroom and clinical hands-on training that teaches venipuncture techniques. Led by the GCRC nurses, the course is offered to Georgia-CTSA affiliated partners.

For more information and training schedule, view the webpage at 

The Office for Clinical Research only offers CPR to those who need it for Emory Healthcare credentialing purposes. If you do not fit this criterion, you can obtain CPR certification from AHA trainer Derek Johnston (Safety HS), who provides training on the Emory campus.